Mid Shore Behavioral Health, Inc.
Mid Shore Planning Collaborative
The Mid Shore Planning Collaborative (MSPC) is representative of the collaborative and integrated work of the six local authorities responsible for managing Maryland’s Public Behavioral Health System (PBHS) for the mid-shore counties of Maryland: Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne’s, Talbot Counties, and Mid Shore Behavioral Health, Inc.
The Mid Shore Planning Collaborative engages routinely throughout the year with partners, persons in recovery, family members, natural supports, providers, and community leaders to update and develop the Mid-Shore Community Behavioral Health Plan.
The Mission
The Mid Shore Planning Collaborative is a partnership of six local behavioral health leadership organizations, representing all community members of Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne’s, and Talbot counties. Our overall goal is to enhance and strengthen behavioral health programs and provide services to diverse populations throughout the region.
The Vision
A mid-shore community where individuals and families are resilient, empowered, and free from health disparities, with equitable access to quality behavioral health care and resources.