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Good Samaritan Law

The Maryland Good Samaritan Law provides protection from arrest as well as prosecution for  certain specific crimes and expands the charges from which people assisting in an emergency  overdose situation are immune. If someone calls 911 in an effort to help during an overdose  crisis, or they are experiencing an overdose, their parole and probation […]

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Group Therapy

Group Therapy is a type of support session that involves a counselor (or psychiatrist,  psychologist, or other behavioral health professional) working with more than one patient at a  time. 

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Halfway House

A Halfway House is a state-funded transitional living facility for those in recovery from drugs or  alcohol. Many individuals go to a halfway house after completing an addiction treatment  program. Halfway houses may offer therapy, psychiatric services, and Medically Assisted  Treatment (MAT) to residents. 

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Hallucinogens are a group of drugs that change a person’s awareness of their surroundings,  thoughts, and feelings. Hallucinogens can cause hallucinations and can lead to numbness;  disorientation and loss of coordination; and increased blood pressure, heart rate, and body  temperature. Long-term effects of hallucinogens can include speech problems, memory loss,  anxiety, and depression and suicidal

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Harm Reduction

Harm reduction is a set of practical strategies and ideas aimed at reducing negative  consequences associated with drug use. Examples of harm reduction include Narcan, Safe  Syringe Programs (SSPs), Safe Consumption Sites, infection disease testing, and prescription  drop off locations.  

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Health Home Services

Health Home Services is a multi-disciplinary Population Health Management Program to reduce  the burden of somatic health in populations with severe and persistent mental illness The  program is embedded with RRP, RRP, or ACT. Staff within these programs are tasked with  different aspects of the Health Home program. Health Home includes screening for BMI,  smoking

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Health Literacy

Health literacy is the ability to obtain, read, understand, and use healthcare information in order to make appropriate health decisions. Millions of Americans have difficulty obtaining, processing, and understanding healthcare information, as well as acting on instructions for treatment. Health illiteracy is a large reason individuals may not access, or accept, vital healthcare services that

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Heroin is a highly addictive, euphoria-inducing analgesic drug derived from morphine that  comes in a white or brown powder form taken by smoking, injecting, or snorting. Heroin  obtained illegally is referred to as hard candy, rush hour, smack, H, Chinese red, Mexican mud  and is commonly laced with fentanyl. Heroin can also be a Pharmaceutical

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