CALL 988


Although we are not a treatment provider, our purpose is to develop a full array of quality, accessible behavioral health resources and supports throughout our rural region.  We provide education and guidance to consumers, family members, providers, and community leaders about behavioral health. We seek to improve the health and wellbeing of consumers and the entire community, because we believe behavioral health is essential to overall health and is as important as physical health.  We have hope that we can achieve wellness together and aim to inspire others to join us in doing so. 


Systems Planning
& Management

As a core service agency, MSBH is responsible for the development and implementation of community planning, management, and accountability mechanisms for the delivery of mental health services.  MSBH conducts regular public mental health systems needs assessments and develops an annual strategic Community Behavioral Health Plan.  

MSBH works closely with Local Addictions Authorities (LAAs) who are responsible for the local substance-related health service system towards integrated behavioral health systems needs assessment, and strategic planning processes. MSBH in partnership with local health departments seeks to develop and expand the regional system of care and its capacity to meet the needs of the mid-shore community.  This cooperative data collection, analysis and planning processes allow us as local entities to self-govern and monitor and evaluate the local public behavioral health system.

Funds Allocation & Contract Monitoring

MSBH receives funding from Maryland’s Department of Health and other state and national sources for services and recovery supports to meet needs identified, accomplish the goals of the strategic plan, and to serve our mission. Approximately 92% of the funding received is passed onto community providers throughout the mid-shore, and for some throughout the Eastern Shore, for programs related to mental health, substance use, peer support, crisis intervention, homelessness and affordable housing, sign language interpreters, and other safety net provisions.

MSBH works collaboratively with our partners, employing accountability and support mechanisms to achieve success through the monitoring of contracts.

Systems Navigation

MSBH provides information and referral resources to consumers, their natural support systems, providers, and community partners seeking behavioral health services and recovery supports for both mental health and substance use.

Our staff offers a full continuum of support in responding to help calls, from simply providing a telephone number or basic information to problem-solving complicated care needs with multiple providers of services and support. MSBH staff is there to assist with navigating a complicated system of care.

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