CALL 988

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

It is Mid Shore Behavioral Health Inc.’s desire to nurture a diverse, equitable, and inclusive behavioral health provider community in the mid-shore region.

The Diversity & Inclusion Workgroup

Established through the Mid Shore Planning Collaborative’s FY21 Cultural and Linguistic Competency (CLC) Strategic Plan. To be notified about upcoming meetings or for questions, email

Past topics have ranged from LGBTQ+ Resources in the Eastern Shore, Local Management Board Response to Racial Disparities, Deaf/Hard of Hearing Culture, LatinX Culture and Best Practices for Implementing National Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) standards. The Diversity and Inclusion Workgroup offers an opportunity for local and state providers to present information related to the goals of the CLC Strategic Plan.

Cultural & Linguistic Competency Strategic Plan Goals

The Mid Shore Planning Collaborative (MSPC) has created an annual Cultural and Linguistic Competency Strategic Plan with the following goals:

  • GOAL 1:

    Establish and maintain culturally and linguistically competent behavioral services.

  • GOAL 2:

    Eliminate cultural and linguistic barriers to access behavioral health services.

  • GOAL 3:

    Create a system of data driven decision making processes that result in the formation of culturally and linguistically competent policies and practices.

  • GOAL 4:

    Support the usage of evidence-based practices to address the unique needs of individuals in Maryland’s public behavioral health system.

  • GOAL 5:

    Advocate for and institute ongoing workforce development programs in cultural and linguistic competence reflective of Maryland’s diverse population.

Deaf & Hard of
Hearing Services

Mid Shore Behavioral Health, Inc. supports the deaf & hard of hearing community in the Eastern Shore by monitoring a contract that provides treatment with Certified American Sign Language interpreters. Individuals who identify as deaf or hard of hearing and want to engage in mental health treatment can find the therapist of their choice and be linked with a competent ASL Interpreter.

An Introduction to American
Deaf Culture

The Deaf Independent
Living Association

Arundel Lodge Behavioral Health

Support for lgbtq+ youth

The Trevor Project LGBTQ+

The leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) young people ages 13-24.

Chase Brexton at Easton

A primary care facility that specializes in serving the needs of clients
who identify as LGBTQ+

Camp Rehoboth LGBTQ Resource Guide

Additional Resources

The People’s Institute for
Survival and Beyond

A national and international collective of anti-racist, multicultural community organizers and educators dedicated to building an effective movement of social transformation.

The BIPOC Project - A Black, Indigenous, & People of Color Movement

The BIPOC Project aims to build authentic and lasting solidarity among Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, to undo indigenous invisibility, anti-Blackness, dismantle white supremacy and advance racial justice.  

The Chesapeake Multicultural Resource Center

Empowers people from different cultures to become successful and engaged members of our community.

Rebirth Inc.

A Salisbury non-profit working to strengthen, empower, and protect the legal rights of the immigrant workers, refugees, and low-income individuals in the community, with focus on the Haitian population.

Minority Veterans of America (MVA)

MVA is a non-partisan, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization designed to create belonging and advance equity for underrepresented veterans

Questions? Contact:

J. Howard (She / Her), BS, EIL
Behavioral Health Coordinator
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
(410)770-4801 ext. 317

Cristal Toribio (She / Her)
Marketing & Events Coordinator
(410)770-4801 ext. 302

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