Now Accepting Edits for the 2025 Behavioral Health Resource Guide!
Mid Shore Behavioral Health, Inc. Is accepting updates to the 2025 Community Behavioral Resource Guide. Review your listing and submit updates prior to November 1st.
2025 Resource Guide Update FormAre you a mid-shore behavioral health service provider?
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Searchable database hosted by Network of Care that incorporates all of our resource guides and can be updated regularly.
Get help for mental health or substance use emergencies.
Substance Use
Substance use services and support in the mid-shore.
MSBH Resource Guide
2024 Behavioral Health Resource guide for the mid-shore region.
Continuum of Care
Mid Shore Roundtable on Homelessness & shelter updates.
Resources & Links
Browse a list of helpful websites and resources.
Mid Shore
Behavioral Health, Inc.
Mid Shore Behavioral Health, Inc. is dedicated to enhancing the regional behavioral health system of care, through effective collaboration with consumers, their natural supports, providers, and community leaders. Our goal is to develop a full array of accessible services and resources for the consumer, through partnerships with our providers and other agencies. We offer guidance in understanding and navigating all that is available in our community.
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The Steering Wheel
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