Previous SIM Conferences
The Sequential Intercept Mapping Model (SIM) details how individuals with mental and substance use disorders come into contact with and move through the criminal justice system. The SIM helps communities identify resources and gaps in services at each intercept and develop local strategic action plans. The SIM mapping process brings together leaders and different agencies and systems to work together to identify strategies to divert people with mental and substance use disorders away from the justice system into treatment. Learn about the SIM Intercepts.
Friday, February 3rd, 2023 - 9AM - 3PM
9th Annual SIM Conference
Youth and the Juvenile Justice System
The 9th Annual Sim Conference Recap
Mid Shore Behavioral Health, Inc.’s 9th Annual Sequential Intercept Mapping Model (SIM) Conference was back and in-person on Friday, February 3rd, 2023. The theme of the training was Youth and the Juvenile Justice System. The 2023 SIM Conference included an impressive lineup of local, county, and statewide leaders working together to better serve the needs of justice-involved youths.
Keynote speakers included William Edward Johnson III, Case Management Program Supervisor of Talbot County Department of Juvenile Services and Keith Bratley, a student who shared his personal experiences as a youth in the justice system.
The conference was held at the Chesapeake Grove Intergenerational Center and included over 100 attendees made up of community members, formerly incarcerated persons, criminal justice professionals, behavioral health care providers, and more.
9th Annual Presentation Slides
Friday, March 4, 2022 - 9AM - 2PM
8th Annual SIM Conference
Race Based Stress & Trauma: The Impact of Racial Disparities in Systemic Injustice
The 8th Annual Sim Conference Recap
Mid Shore Behavioral Health, Inc.’s 8th Annual Sequential Intercept Mapping Model (SIM) Conference was held virtually on Friday, March 4, 2022. The theme of the training was Race-Based Stress and Trauma: The Impact of Racial Disparities in Systemic Injustice. The 2022 SIM Conference featured an impressive lineup of local, county, and statewide leaders acknowledging the very real consequences of race-based trauma and bias in the judicial system.
Speakers included Wardens and Directors of mid-shore County Detention Centers, national equity leaders, and directors of community organizations working to prevent advancement in the Sequential Intercept Map. Attendees also heard from individuals who have themselves been through the judicial system, sharing their experiences from the inside now that they have transitioned to the outside world. View the conference agenda for more information about the speakers or watch the conference recording here.
8th Annual SIM Handouts
SIM Informational Video
This info video provides a light overview of the Sequential Intercept Mapping Model
SIM Intercept Map
5 step sequential map developed in alignment with the services and gaps in service in the Mid Shore Region in relation to effort to divert persons with behavioral health issues from the criminal justice system.
SIM Handout
Guide for SIM Conference
Forensic Mental Health
Support the usage of evidence-based practices to address the unique needs of individuals in Maryland’s public behavioral health system.
Forensic Workgroup
Advocate for and institute ongoing workforce development programs in cultural and linguistic competence reflective of Maryland’s diverse population.
SOAR program
SOAR is the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) / Social Security Disability Benefits (SSDI) Outreach Access and Recovery program.
8th Annual SIM Resources
8th Annual Presentation Slides
Click to download each speaker's slide presentation
Additional Resources
Information on CEUs
The 8th Annual SIM Conference is eligible for 4.5 Category II CEUs. The CEU questionnaire will be available at the completion of the conference on Friday, March 4th and submissions will be accepted until 4:30 PM Friday, March 11th. Due to high attendance, it may take up to six weeks for CEU certificates to be distributed.
Info on vFairs Platform
The 8th Annual SIM was hosted through the interactive, virtual event platform vFairs. Attendees had the opportunity to interact in real time with speakers and panelists during the presentation, as well as chat with others in a virtual lounge area. 2022 SIM registrants are able to access the SIM virtual conference until April 4, 2022.